Thursday, July 26, 2007


For many years, Europeans have been using an extract from bilberry (vaccinium myrtillus), the European version of the American blueberry, to strengthen the human capillary system. Bilberry is used specifically to prevent and treat fragile capillaries and capillaries which leak either fluid or blood into the tissues.

Primary uses of Bilberry extract:
1. Eye health and vision
2. Microcirculation
3. Spider veins and varicose veins
4. Capillary strengthening before surgery and many more...

Bilberries as Antioxidants
As with other flavonoids, the bilberry compounds are antioxidants, which protect cells and membranes from damage caused by "free radicals". Free radicals are highly reactive fragments of chemicals, which are broken off during the metabolism of both toxic and non-toxic compounds in the body.

Greengage Enzymic Drink 梅子水果酵素

梅子水果酵素(Greengage Enzymic Drink)中含有9种必需氨基酸及精氨酸、天门冬氨酸等18种天然氨基酸。含量最多的精氨酸可增强体力及耐力,促进生长激素的分泌,并具有保护肠道的功能。长期服用梅子酵素可养颜美容,帮助睡眠,提高人体免疫力,是最自然的养生保健的良品。
1。 排毒 - 清除体内毒素,废物等:净化身体内部环境,缓解便秘。
2。 美白 - 使肌肤显得更光泽,白皙和姣嫩。
3。 瘦身 - 足进细胞新陈代谢,具有一定的瘦身作用。
4。 养生 - 恢复精力,补充身体所需的各种微量元素。
An enzyme is a bio-active protein molecule also known as a biological catalyst made of polypeptide, vitamins and minerals etc. Maintenance of optimal health: enzyme helps adjust body’s alkaline level, expel body waste, well balance intestinal beneficial bacteria, boost digestive function etc leading to overall body harmony.
Anti-bacterial effect: Not enzyme only helps carrying white blood cell to the infected tissue but also capable to kill germs directly.

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