Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Spring Crystal Facial Bar (Spring水晶黑色泥潔面皂)

Spring Crystal Black 
Mud Facial Soap

Created from Black Mud direct from fresh water lakes in Eastern Europe. This mud is made up of finely dispersed hydrated organic multi-component colloid of fresh water sediments from over 30,000 years ago. It will replenish the essential minerals and restore moisture balance on your skin. Contains only natural vegetable ingredients with no animal fats. It can be applied to both face and body. The deep cleansing action of this health & beauty natural soup, leaves your skin fresh, revitalized and youthful.


創建從黑色泥直接從淡水湖泊中東歐。這泥是由分散的精細有機水合多分量膠體沉積物的淡水超過 3萬年前。這將補充的礦物質和恢復水分平衡你的皮膚。只含有天然植物成份,無動物油脂。它可以同時適用於臉部和身體。深部清潔行動這一天然保健及美容湯,讓你的肌膚清新,充滿活力和青春。

Magical Treatment For All Suitable Skin Problem 

- Acne 粉刺 / 青春痘
- Anti-Aging Age Spots 抗老老人斑
- Birthmarks 胎记
- Cellulite 橘皮组织 / 蜂窝组织
- Chemical Peel 化学脱皮
- Dark Eye Rings 黑眼圈
- Dry Skin 皮肤干燥
- Eczema 湿疹
- Freckles 雀斑
- Frown Lines 眉間紋
- Hair Loss 脱发
- Large Pore 粗毛孔
- Melasma 黑斑病
- Nail Problems 指甲问题
- Oily Skin 油性皮肤
- Pigmentation 色素沉着
- Scars 疤痕
- Spider Veins 蜘蛛网形静脉
- Skin Growths 皮肤成长
- Skin Cancers 皮肤癌症
- Skin Laxity 皮肤松弛
- Skin Rash 皮疹
- Stretch Marks肌肉拉扯痕迹
- Sun Spots 黑斑
- Sweaty Palms 手心出汗
- Sweaty Underarms 腋下出汗
- Uneven Skin Tone 不均匀肤色
- Varicose Veins 静脉曲张
- Wrinkles 皱纹 

Wet skin and lather. Gently spread and massage in circular motion for 1-2 minutes. Rinse.


The Main Ingredients:

• (Tea Tree Oil)
Natural antiseptic and antifungal activity
Good for acne and pimples


• (Lavender Oil)
Aromatherapy benefits especially for calmness and relaxation.
Natural antiseptic and antifungal activity
It is soothing for skin problems and is used to treat various skin disorders such as acne, wrinkles, itchy skin cracked skin.


• (Noni Essence)
Antioxidant properties for younger looking skin
Improve wound healing
Improve skin inflammation


• (Black Mud)
Replenish essential minerals and restore moisture balance to skin.
Improve cell turnover for a younger looking skin
Helps to prevent premature aging from damage caused by free radicals


Earlier Stage of using Spring Crystal Black Mud Facial Soap
If any irritation, few pimples begin to appear or feel dry, this is commonly known as healing process and is only temporary. Spring Crystal is detoxifying your skin from chemical (from previous used products) from deep layer skin to outer.


- no petrochemicals
- no toxic chemicals
- free from synthetic detergents and foaming agents
- free from fillers
- no artificial coloring
- no artificial fragrances
- no synthetic preservatives
- rich in humic acid
- biodegradable
- 沒有石化
- 沒有有毒化學品
- 擺脫合成洗滌劑和發泡劑
- 不受填料
- 不含人工色素
- 不含人工香料
- 無合成防腐劑
- 富含腐植酸
- 可生物降解

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Bilberry 欧洲野生蓝莓

含有生理活性物花青素 (anthocyanosides),有助保护视网膜及维持视质 (rhodopsin) 于最佳水平,只需2小时便能增加眼睛对光线的敏感度,改善视力。



Your Health/Holistic Healing: Bilberry for your eyes only

Bilberry has been consumed for centuries as a nutritious food and a wild edible delicacy. They are an ancient food in northern Europe and have long been sold in British markets.

Bilberry is best known as a specific for the eyes because of its antioxidant qualities and its general effects on the circulatory system. Bilberry has been used since the middle ages, where the fruit was used for its astringent, tonic and antiseptic properties, and in the management of diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal inflammations and various other infections. Nowadays, Bilberry (fruit) extract, is most commonly used to treat various eye disorders and to promote general capillary health.

• Used to treat various eye disorders.
• Promotes general capillary health.
• Used as a remedy for diabetes.
• Used in treatment of mouth inflammation, skin infections and burns.
• Help Prevent Ulcers
• Help Keep Brain Healthy
• Stop Liver Cancer Growth
• Strengthen Blood Vessels
• Effective as Drug in Lowering Cholesterol
• BLinked to 57% Reduction in Pre-Cancerous Colon Lesions
• Flavanol Improves Memory

新訊息 lates news





Bilberry: Microcirculation Enhancer

Bilberries as Antioxidants
As with other flavonoids, the bilberry compounds are antioxidants, which protect cells and membranes from damage caused by "free radicals".

The Circulatory System
The human circulatory system is an extraordinary piece of plumbing. Starting at the body's core - the heart, lungs and digestive system - it distributes through a network of increasingly smaller vessels the food, water and oxygen, necessary to the survival of every cell in our bodies.

Bilberry Effects on the Eye
The eye is especially susceptible to compromised circulation. Both diabetes and hypertension are notorious for causing pathological changes in the retina, which compromises vision.

Anti-Ulcer Activity
Perhaps one of the least known benefits of bilberry extract is its anti-ulcer activity. Although it is commonly used in Europe for this purpose, American publications and products have focused primarily on its blood vessel effects and especially its benefits for the eyes.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


For many years, Europeans have been using an extract from bilberry (vaccinium myrtillus), the European version of the American blueberry, to strengthen the human capillary system. Bilberry is used specifically to prevent and treat fragile capillaries and capillaries which leak either fluid or blood into the tissues.

Primary uses of Bilberry extract:
1. Eye health and vision
2. Microcirculation
3. Spider veins and varicose veins
4. Capillary strengthening before surgery and many more...

Bilberries as Antioxidants
As with other flavonoids, the bilberry compounds are antioxidants, which protect cells and membranes from damage caused by "free radicals". Free radicals are highly reactive fragments of chemicals, which are broken off during the metabolism of both toxic and non-toxic compounds in the body.

Greengage Enzymic Drink 梅子水果酵素

梅子水果酵素(Greengage Enzymic Drink)中含有9种必需氨基酸及精氨酸、天门冬氨酸等18种天然氨基酸。含量最多的精氨酸可增强体力及耐力,促进生长激素的分泌,并具有保护肠道的功能。长期服用梅子酵素可养颜美容,帮助睡眠,提高人体免疫力,是最自然的养生保健的良品。
1。 排毒 - 清除体内毒素,废物等:净化身体内部环境,缓解便秘。
2。 美白 - 使肌肤显得更光泽,白皙和姣嫩。
3。 瘦身 - 足进细胞新陈代谢,具有一定的瘦身作用。
4。 养生 - 恢复精力,补充身体所需的各种微量元素。
An enzyme is a bio-active protein molecule also known as a biological catalyst made of polypeptide, vitamins and minerals etc. Maintenance of optimal health: enzyme helps adjust body’s alkaline level, expel body waste, well balance intestinal beneficial bacteria, boost digestive function etc leading to overall body harmony.
Anti-bacterial effect: Not enzyme only helps carrying white blood cell to the infected tissue but also capable to kill germs directly.

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